Kalbar RSL Roll of Honour Book Launch
Kalbar RSL Sub-Branch has a Book Launch on Wednesday 13th November for the Kalbar Roll of Honour Book that details the service of Veterans from the Kalbar District.
Books can be ordered during the period 01-30 September 2024
The Kalbar Roll of Honour Book comprises four parts, as follows:
Part 1 details the service of Veterans from the Kalbar district who sacrificed their lives in WWI and WWII, and those found to have received honours and awards for bravery and leadership. Also included in this section will be the biographies of those men who were unfortunate to have become prisoners of war.
Part 2 includes biographies of the 146 men and women who served during WW2, and were fortunate to have survived that conflict and returned home.
Part 3 focuses on historical information of military significance to Kalbar and district, including:
- Details of German settlers who served in the Franco Prussian War.
- Biographies of veterans who served in the South African War.
- Formation of the Kalbar Light Horse pre WW2.
- The history of Kalbar’s war trophies.
- Some history of the anti-German movement that led to the renaming of Englesburg to Kalbar.
- An account of the District’s contribution to the Dungaree March from Warwick to Brisbane.
- The history of the creation of the original World War 1 Honour Board and its updating after thecessation of the war.
- Patriotic demonstrations in Kalbarwhen the Armistice was made known and Victory Celebrations after the signing of the Peace Treaty in June 1919.
- Early Anzac Day celebrations in Kalbar.
- Kalbar and district residents who served in the Volunteer Defence Corps.
- History of Kalbar RSL SubBranch, Charter and Executive.
- Farewell and welcome home ceremonies held at Kalbar to honour its enlistees.
Finally, Part 4 includes a detailed and photographic listing of memorial items presented to the next of kin, of those who died serving their country.
Please do not hesitate to contact Stephen Pace (Kalbar RSL Sub-Branch Welfare Office) on stephen.pace@kalbar.rslqld.net.au or 0499 354 111 if you would like further information.